Ronald J. Quinn

发布日期:2020-04-26 点击数:


Ronald James Quinn AM 博士



1966 – 1969 新南威尔士大学(UNSW),悉尼,澳大利亚,药物化学博士

1962 – 1965新南威尔士大学(UNSW),悉尼,澳大利亚,药学学士

1969 – 1971亚利桑那州国家大学化学系,坦佩,亚利桑那州,美国,助理研究员

1971 – 1973夏威夷大学药理与化学系,火奴鲁鲁,夏威夷,美国,博士

1973 – 1974澳大利亚国立大学化学研究所,堪培拉,澳大利亚,研究员

1974 – 1981 Roche Research Institute of Marine Pharmacology (RRIMP),悉尼, 新南威尔士大学,澳大利亚,助理研究员,

1980 – 1981助理研究员, F. Hoffman La-Roche, Basel,瑞士

1982 –今 格里菲斯大学

终身教授 1994, [1992 – 1993: -副教授; 1988 – 1991: -高级讲师; 1982 – 1987: -讲师]

二、 研究领域:


三、 开设的课程:


四、 代表性论文:

1. Wang, D.; Murtaza, M.; Wood, S. A.; Mellick, G. D.; Miao, W. G.; Guymer, G. P.; Forster, P. I.; Feng, Y.; Quinn, R. J., A Grand Challenge. 3. Unbiased Phenotypic Function of Metabolites from Australia Plants Gloriosa superba and Alangium villosum against Parkinson's Disease.J. Nat. Prod.2020.

2. Xie, Y.; Feng, Y.; Di Capua, A.; Mak, T.; Buchko, G. W.; Myler, P. J.; Liu, M.; Quinn, R. J., A phenotarget approach for identifying an alkaloid interacting with the tuberculosis protein Rv1466.Mar. Drugs2020, 18 (3), 149.

3. Liu, M.; Karuso, P.; Feng, Y.; Kellenberger, E.; Liu, F.; Wang, C.; Quinn, R. J., Is it time for Artificial Intelligence to predict the function of natural products based on 2D-structure.MedChemComm2019, 10, 1667-1677.

4. Liu, M.; Quinn, R. J., Fragment-based screening with natural products for novel anti-parasitic disease drug discovery.Expert Opin Drug Discov2019, 14 (12), 1283-1295.

5. Pedro, L.; Cross, M.; Hofmann, A.; Mak, T.; Quinn, R. J., Development of an HPLC-based guanosine monophosphate kinase assay and application toPlasmodium vivax guanylate kinase.Anal. Biochem.2019, 575, 63-69.

6. Vu, H.; Pedro, L.; Mak, T.; McCormick, B.; Rowley, J.; Liu, M.; Capua, A. D.; Williams-Noonan, B.; Pham, N. B.; Pouwer, R.; Nguyen, B.; Andrews, K. T.; Skinner-Adams, T.; Kim, J.; Hol, W.; Hui, R.; Crowther, G. J.; Voorhis, W. C. V.; Quinn, R. J., Fragment-based screening of a natural product library against 62 potential malaria drug targets employing native mass spectrometry.ACS Infect. Dis.2018, 4 (4), 431-444.

7. Harvey, A. L.; Edrada-Ebel, R.; Quinn, R. J. The re-emergence of natural products for drug discovery in the genomics era.Nat. Rev. Drug Discov.2015, 14, 111-129. (863 citations)

8. Camp, D.; Davis, R. A.; Campitelli, M.; Ebdon, J.; Quinn, R. J. Drug-like properties: guiding principles for the design of natural product libraries.J. Nat. Prod.2012, 75, 72-81. (107 citations)

9. Maresca, A.; Temperini, C.; Vu, H.; Pham, N. B.; Poulsen, S.-A.; Scozzafava, A.; Quinn, R. J.; Supuran, C. Non-zinc mediated inhibition of carbonic anhydrases: coumarins are a new class of suicide Inhibitors.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2009, 131, 3057-3062. (315 citations)

10. Fernandez, L. S.; Buchanan, M. S.; Carroll, A. R.; Feng, Y. J.; Quinn, R. J.; Avery, V. M. Flinderoles A-C: antimalarial bis-indole alkaloids fromFlindersia species.Org. Lett.2009, 11, 329-332. (128 citations)



1. 云南省科技厅院士专家工作站:Ronald J Quinn AM院士工作站(2019.01-2021.12),人民币180万元(主持,在研)

2. Quinn, Edrada-Ebel, Escaping Bio-Assay Guided Isolation: Nature's Tools for Chemical Biology, Australian Research Council Discovery Project DP 160101429,(2016-2019)$493,300.(主持,结题)

3. Quinn, Davis, Avery, Charman, Charman, Good, Andrews, Edstein,Lead Generation via HTS of Malaria targets against a large Natural Product extract library,Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV), 2007 $282,681, 2008 $539,691, 2009 $716,484,(2007-2009) $1,538,856(主持,结题)

4. Ltd, 1993 1,345,000, 1994 2,686,500, 1995 3,256,000, 1996 4,231,005, 1997 4,800,000, 1998 5,580,000, 1999 7,098,250, 2000 7,410,200, 2001 8,838,000, 2002 8,789,550, 2003 9,009,000, 2004 9,234,225, 2005 9,465,080, 2006 9,701,707, 2007 7,305,594, 2008 2,411,344 (1993 – 2008) $101,161,455(主持,结题)



1999年 当选皇家澳大利亚化学学会会员


2004年被授予皇家澳大利亚化学学会(RACI)Adrien Albert Award

2007年获评瑞士日内瓦疟疾药品事业会Project of the Year 2007

2009年被授予格里菲斯大学Vice Chancellor's Research Excellence Award for Research Leadership

2010年女王授予澳大利亚勋章(AM)表彰突出服务于天然产物化学领域科学研究从海洋和植物中发现治疗化合物的学术发展带头人(Australia Day Awards)

2012年被授予Queensland Museum Medal(基于在生物发现过程中多种新的生命形式的发现)

2013年被授予McCullough Robertson LSQ (Life Sciences Queensland) Industry Excellence Award

2015年被授予格里菲斯大学Vice Chancellor's Research Excellence Award for Lifetime Research Leadership

2015年被授予格里菲斯大学Griffith Sciences Pro Vice Chancellor's Excellence Award for Research Leadership

2016年被授予天然产物化学杂志Jack L. Beal Award

2016年获评德国药用植物和天然产物研究委员会 最具创新论文(该论文2015年发表于Planta Medica杂志)

2016年获评美国夏威夷大学基金会Paul J. Scheuer Award奖(基于对海洋天然产物研究领域的杰出贡献)

2018年被授予中国科学院(CAS)经理杰出科学家奖(President’s Distinguished Scientist Award)



Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery,Griffith University,Brisbane, Qld 4111,Australia





